Service Learning
Make a Difference
ISK’s Service Learning prepares students to use their skills and knowledge to provide meaningful service in the community. This gives them insight into the problems others face, and grants them satisfaction knowing that they are making a difference.
Service Learning and Student Groups
This is one of the most effective ways for students to learn. They basically learn theories in class, and engage in reflection activities to heighten their understanding of those theories. Service Learning is an innovative approach to teaching and learning that addresses authentic need through active engagement in our local and global communities. It helps students to increase their understanding of different cultures, and to become more responsible.
A Responsible Way to Grow
Service learning:
- Is linked to the curriculum
- Involves positive and meaningful action
- Engages student voice and choice
- Considers the sustainability of programs and partnerships
- Creates opportunities for participants to be enriched by diverse perspectives
- Nurtures social responsibility and global citizenship
- Is mutually beneficial to participants
- Inspires reflection
- The service learning program aims to develop individuals who are:
- The service learning program aims to develop individuals who have a positive impact on a community by:
The service learning program aims to develop individuals who are:
The service learning program aims to develop individuals who have a positive impact on a community by:
Middle and High School CASL
Creativity includes a wide range of activities that involve creative thinking. Creativity provides students with the opportunity to explore their own sense of original thinking and expression.
Activity is focused on getting involved in physical exertion that contributes to a healthy lifestyle. The aim of activity is to promote lifelong healthy habits related to physical well-being.
Service Learning is an approach to teaching and learning that addresses authentic need through reciprocal engagement in our local and global communities.
The CAS program is an essential part of the IB program. It provides students with the opportunity to learn and develop by taking part in new, challenging and enjoyable experiences. The belief at the heart of the CAS program is that education does not begin or end in the classroom or exam hall, and the most essential elements of education may exist outside of both. ISK provides many opportunities for CAS. Students will be fully supported by our advisors and the CAS Coordinator. Students are also encouraged to take part in activities outside of school and activities they initiate themselves, in order to help them to create a challenging and relevant program for themselves. To successfully complete CAS, students need to maintain a balance of Creativity, Activity and Service activities over the two years. Students should be involved in at least one project involving teamwork that takes place for a minimum of one month. These three aspects of CAS may be completed as several separate activities, as larger projects that combine all of the components, or a mixture of the two.
Creativity, Activity, Service
This aspect of CAS covers a wide range of arts and other creative activities outside of the normal curriculum. Students are encouraged to be as imaginative as possible with their choices of activities. This could involve doing dance, theatre, music or art, but could also cover creative activities like devising marketing or advertising campaigns for Young Enterprise. There are also many opportunities to combine creative and service components, such as the creative design of a community project that students plan to carry out, such as HeArts (Healing for the Arts).
Activity involves participation in sport or other activities requiring physical exertion — such as expeditions, camping trips, or digging trenches to lay water pipes for a Service project. Yoga and dance can also be considered activities. Students are particularly encouraged to take part in group and team activities, but an individual commitment is also welcomed.
This includes participation in a range of community and school service activities. Interaction and cooperation are the basis for a successful service project. This means that service activities should not only involve doing things for others, but also doing things with others and developing a real commitment.