Parent Teacher Organization
Fostering Relationships in our Community Through Service
The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) aims to build and connect the ISK community through social activities and events. With the help of parent volunteers, we raise funds to support our aims as well as other community-building school initiatives. There are a wide variety of opportunities for our parents to volunteer, so we encourage you to get involved as this is an excellent way to meet other parents and connect as a community.
The PTO hosts a range of events throughout the year, including:
Welcome events for new families
Friends of the Arts (FOTA) exhibition
Taste of Nations
Staff Appreciation Lunch
Bus tours
Holiday Bazaar with DUKA vendors
The PTO has a variety of positions on its Executive Committee, including Parent Representatives for our new parent activities, communications coordination, and for each school division. The PTO divisional representatives work with school principals, teachers, and parent volunteers to organize events to support our aims.
Volunteering at the PTO DUKA or with our annual Friends of the Arts (FOTA) event is always a fun way to meet other students, parents and teachers. The PTO ‘Duka’ (Kiswahili word for shop) is an important part of the PTO’s connection to the broader community. Run by a team of dedicated volunteers it is a great place to buy Kenyan handicrafts and other items made by non-profit organizations and artisans who aid poor, disadvantaged and/or disabled people to earn a living. FOTA is a parent-led ISK arts organization that holds art shows/sales and other events to expose the ISK community to Kenyan artists. The success of the PTO depends on volunteer parents and their active involvement. Parents can be as involved as they would like to be. A knowledgeable and supportive network can make all the difference to your experience of Nairobi and Kenya.