Lift as we climb
Lift as we climb
What is Social Justice?
Social Justice means actively working together to dismantle systems that allow forms of oppression to exist, even if you think that it doesn't directly affect you.
In our Middle School Social Justice Club, we learned and spread awareness about different forms of oppression, specifically ones that affect our Middle School community. As a collective, we discussed the question, ‘What is worth fighting for?’
In the class, we watched documentaries and movies, such as Just Mercy. We analyzed articles and quotes. We spoke to Elementary School students and listened to their thoughts and opinions as we played games and discussed forms of oppression. We even interviewed staff members. After we felt we had a good grasp on forms of oppression and their effect on ISK, we started our research for our final project, which we presented in front of Middle School, parents, and teachers.
Our ‘Lift As We Climb’ project focused on forms of oppression such as Toxic Masculinity, Racial Slurs, Sexism in Sports, and White Superiority. Each group introduced their topic, explaining what it is, where it comes from, and how it is harmful. We then proceeded to explain what discriminating against that group of people can lead to and how to not only understand it but also become changemakers to fight against oppression.
We also had a special performance from the Muay Thai elective class as an intermission during our presentation. They worked incredibly hard to give us a creative and educational performance.
Lylah and Maia, Grade 8