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Middle School closes out the 2021-21 school year

Middle School closes out the 2021-21 school year

Arts & Athletics

We were thrilled with the opportunities we were able to offer this year for students actively engage in the arts and athletics in Middle School. In January students were able to participate in a wide range of athletics offerings, which was a great opportunity to be active and connect with friends.

We also had several opportunities to celebrate the arts with a phenomenal MS Art Show, the end of the year Music Concert, and the drama production of Sparkleshark. 

Congratulations athletes, artists, musicians, and actors! 

Ignite & Connect Weekends

When we realized that COVID would prevent our usual off campus InterCultural Trips, we thought creatively about infusing fun, adventure, and connection into the Middle School. We had amazing Ignite and Connect weekend experiences with RVA and Savage Wilderness on the ISK campus in February - full of friends, fun and biking, SUP, archery, abseiling, and more!